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Elohim's ways are not man's ways. We invite you to celebrate this New Year Elohim's way. Join us and return to the ancient paths. 


Thus says יְהוָה : “Stand in the roads and look. Ask for the ancient paths— where the good way is—and walk in it. Then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We won’t walk in it.’

                                                                 Jeremiah 6:16

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The Twins

Updated July 26, 2024
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Click below for

The first day, Rosh Chodesh 
June 23, 2024

this solar year.
(The IAU boundaries are NOT in agreement for this chodesh in 2024)

(S) Stellarium 
Azimuth 180° 00'07.4"

The Twins

One of Its Unique Features

The First Shall Be Last and The Last Shall Be First

As we chart the heavens and its history we have found that when it comes to the sun's entry and exit from this sign in the heavens that there are two possibilities.

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Perhaps Scripture Gives Us the Answer

We typically look for when the sun is as close as possible to the Prime Meridian. While we are consistent in this approach for every one of the signs, when it comes to The Twins these two present two different possibilities, and not as straight forward as to fall on 0h00m0s and on one day. There typically are two days in sequence that are extremely close together, both upon entry and exit. So how to choose?


We have decided to follow the insight shared in Matthew 20:16


King James Version

16 So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.


For us it fits because in fact July 15th is closer to the Meridian than July 14th and the seconds only vary by .01s. We are using man's software so there can be a degree of error. But we find comfort in that what we've seen during the days of Moses and King David has not changed being that these numbers are nearly twins in their timing.


Therefore, July 14th is the last day in the tents of the Twins, and July 15th is the first day that the sun enters the gates of The Crab.


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3rd Chodesh 2024

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4th Chodesh 2024

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5th Chodesh 2024

Therefore, just as the Ruach ha-Kodesh says, “Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness.

- Hebrews 3:7-8

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