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Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024 - Part 4

Updated: Feb 29

"This Land Is Your Land, This Land Is My Land"

The voice of YHVH breaks the cedars;    

the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon.

Names in the bible have meaning. When you come across a name, we recommend you look up its meaning.  The meaning of the name Lebanon is “whiteness”.  We should not jump to the conclusion that this means “white” people, since white is not a single color. Whiteness refers to all the “colors” of the “trees” that grow in the United States of America.


Perhaps because the October 14, 2023, eclipse was annular it did not get as much attention as the 2 total solar eclipses that are 7 years apart.

However, we can't stress enough how much we think it needs to be given considerable attention in these last days.

Recall Woody Guthrie’s 1940 song “This Land Is Your Land”. The lyrics continue “From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters”. That is precisely the path the October 14th event took.

Look closer to see that the path of totality passed over 29 National Park/Monuments. It crossed over 29 National Monuments/Parks. If one were to include Padre Island National Seashore the total would be 30. But this one is not united to the land.  One must go by ferry or causeway to get there, so it is unlike the others. It is nearly 30, alas, the total is 29!

What do they all have in common? The land occupancy. “This land was made for you and me”. Native Americans find this song hard to take, they consider it a “blind spot” in the American folk culture. Woody Guthrie is supposedly speaking about the poor and the wealthy in America.

But it can also apply to the Native American, the indigenous people of the Americas, but not limited to them, for there were many others who were deemed unequal or undeserving.  We say this because of what we can glean from the places the path passed over. Such places are marvelous places to visit but what's often left unmentioned is that for these parks in order to become the protected lands for public enjoyment, their prior inhabitants -- such as indigenous peoples and the rural poor -- had to be evicted. The United States Government relocated many Native groups onto reservations throughout the country.

"In the 19th century, there is a very strong critique of native environmental practices in a lot of the conservation literature that you read. The only way you can come in and say ‘We [the state] need to manage this space and manage the environment,’ is you have to in some ways present the current managers of it -- the native peoples -- as incompetent." (Karl Jacoby author of  Crimes Against Nature 2/22/2014)

Therefore by the Acts of Congress and at times by the signature of the President of the Unites States these 29 mentioned below are all that the October 14, 2023 annular eclipse passed over.

We believe this year Elohim puts His signature on what rightly belongs to him.

Exodus 19:5-6

King James Version

5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the land is mine:

Having seen this verse we should all stop fighting each other over land and property, to immediately do good to each other.

The following details include the size of the property, when it was "adopted" into the National Park System. Where possible we included the inhabitants of the land prior to the "adoption". Granted the details make it a rather long report. But if Elohim meant to draw our attention to these 29 sites, we should consider what He wanted us to learn from them.

  1. Crater Lake National Park, Oregon –  -183,224 acres,  -Established in May 22,1902,  (32 Stat. 202)  Crater Lake is the fifth-oldest national park in the United States and the only national park in Oregon. It includes a sleeping volcano)  -The Treaty of 1864 merged the Klamath, Modoc, and Yahooskin tribes into the “Klamath Tribe” and onto a single reservation in the Klamath Basin. The reservation contained thousands of acres of Ponderosa pine.  The treaty provided for sawmill and proceeds from timber and lumber sales funded a tribal government and a health clinic.  By the 1950s, the Klamath Tribe was one of the wealthiest Native groups in the nation.  In 1954, despite Bureau of Indian Affairs and tribal opposition, Congress passed the Klamath Termination Act, which terminated federal recognition of the Klamath Tribe.  The Act discontinued federal social services, such as free education, and organized tribal lands into national forest areas or areas that could be sold.  This U.S. Government map, distributed in January 1961, explained how Klamath tribal lands would be organized into U.S. National Forest lands.  According to anthropologist Patrick Haynal, the Klamath were targeted for termination because of their timber assets and because Congress was convinced that the Klamath people were virtually assimilated into “white” society, meaning they no longer needed special assistance.  By the 1970s, most tribal members were living below the national poverty line. Only a few species endure the low temperature, high winds, and deep snows at these altitudes, the principal ones being alpine fir, mountain hemlock, and white-bark pine 

  2. Tule Lake National Park/Monument, California  – -1,391 acres  -On December 21, 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush signed H.R. 1492 into law, -High security segregation center to imprison Japanese Americans and to detain German and Italian prisoners of war.  Executive Order 9066, issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in early 1942 as a response to the attack on Pearl Harbor, authorized establishing an Exclusion Zone on the West Coast, from which local military authorities could remove certain populations under wartime exigency. 

  3. Lava Beds National Monument, California  – -more than 46,000 acres -Established as a national monument by Proclamation No. 1755 of November 21, 1925, -President Calvin Coolidge. Later, on April 27, 1951,  -President Harry S. Truman further enlarged the monument by adding adjacent lands.

  4. Great Basin National Park, Nevada  –  -77,180 acres   -1922: President Harding proclaimed Lehman Caves a National Monument. -1933: Lehman Caves National Monument was transferred to the National Park Service jurisdiction. -1986: Great Basin National Park was established, incorporating Lehman Caves National Monument into the park. -The Fremont Indians lived in this area, a farming and hunting group that lived in the Snake Valley from about 1000 to 1300 B.C.E. The park is notable for its groves of ancient bristlecone pines, the oldest known living non-clonal organisms at least 5,000 years old, It was cut down in 1964 by a graduate student and U.S. Forest Service personnel for research purposes. Tribes: Western Shoshone (a sub-group of the Shoshone), the Goshute, the Ute, the Paiute (often divided into Northern, Southern, and Owens Valley), and the Washoe. 

  5. Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah  –  -35,835 acres  -President Warren G. Harding proclaimed Bryce Canyon a national monument on June 8, 1923. On June 7, 1924, Congress passed a bill to establish Utah National Park, when all land within the national monument would become the property of the United States. The land was acquired, and the name was restored to Bryce Canyon. On February 25, 1928, Bryce Canyon officially became a national park. -The ancestral grounds of the Ute, Southern Paiute, and Pueblo peoples, and other Indigenous bands like the Hopi migrated through these lands.  -Hoodoos (irregular columns of rock) exist on every continent, but here is the largest concentration found anywhere on Earth. Ponderosa pine: This is the most common tree species in the park, and can grow up to 150 feet tall. 

  6. Capitol Reef National Park, Utah  -   -241,904 acres -Established Roosevelt signed a proclamation creating Capitol Reef National Monument on August 2, 1937. -Established in 1971 a national park. -There are 16 tree species found in the park.  -Fremont-culture Native Americans lived near the perennial Fremont River in the northern part of the Capitol Reef Waterpocket Fold around the year 1000. After they left the Pauites moved into the area. Following the civil war official of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City settled in to establish in the remotest parts. As the Mormon’s moved into the area the Ute and Southern Paiute peoples were displaced from it. 

  7. Glen Canyon National Park, Arizona  –  -1,254,429 acres  -7 Tribes affiliated with the area are Hopi Tribe, Kaibab Paiute Tribe, Navajo Nation, Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe, Pueblo of Zuni, Ute Mountain Ute -low growing shrubs  

  8. Canyonlands National Park, Utah  –  -337,598 acres , Utah's largest national park -Signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on September 12, 1964. -24 Tribes affiliated with the area are Hopi Tribe, Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians, Kewa Pueblo, Navajo Nation, Ohkay Owingeh, Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, Pueblo of Acoma, Pueblo of Isleta, Pueblo of Jemez, Pueblo of Laguna, Pueblo of Nambé, Pueblo of Picuris, Pueblo of Pojoaque, Pueblo of San Felipe, Pueblo of Sandia, Pueblo of Santa Ana, Pueblo of Santa Clara, Pueblo of Taos, Pueblo of Tesuque, Pueblo of Zia, Pueblo of Zuni, San Juan Southern Paiute, Southern Ute Indian Tribe, Ute Indian Tribe of Uintah and Ouray Reservation

  9. Rainbow Bridge National Monument, Utah – -160 acres  -In 1909 Rainbow Bridge was "discovered" and publicized to the outside world. On May 30, 1910, President William Howard Taft created Rainbow Bridge National Monument   -7 Tribes affiliated with the area are: Hopi Tribe, Kaibab Paiute Tribe, Navajo Nation, Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe, Pueblo of Zuni, Ute Mountain Ute Tribe

  10. Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah –  -7,636.49 acres  -In 1904, National Geographic Magazine publicized the bridges, and -In 1908 President Theodore Roosevelt established Natural Bridges National Monument, creating Utah's first National Park Service area. -12 Tribes affiliated with the area are:  Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians, Navajo Nation, Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, Pueblo of Acoma, Pueblo of Laguna, Pueblo of Santa Ana, Pueblo of Santa Clara, Pueblo of Zuni, San Juan Southern Paiute, Southern Ute Indian Tribe, Ute Indian Tribe of Uintah and Ouray Reservation, and Ute Mountain Ute Tribe.  

  11. Navajo National Monument, Arizona  -360 acres -President William Taft originally designated the monument in 1909. In 1912, he reduced the monument to three specific tracts of land: a 160-acre tract surrounding Betata Kin, a 160-acre tract surrounding Keet Seel, and a 40-acre tract surrounding Inscription House.  -3 Tribes affiliated with the area are:  The Hopi, San Juan Southern Paiute, Zuni, and Navajo people have inhabited the canyons for centuries.

  12. Hovenweep National Monument, Utah -  -784 acres -President Warren G. Harding on March 2, 1923, proclaimed Hovenweep a unit of the National Park System. -28 Tribes affiliated with the area are:  -Jicarilla Apache Nation, Navajo Nation, Ohkay Owingeh, Zuni Tribe -19 Pueblo- Kewa Pueblo, Pueblo of Acoma, Pueblo of Cochita, Pueblo of Isleta, Pueblo of Jemez, Pueblo of Laguna, Pueblo of Nambé, Pueblo of Picuris, Pueblo of Pojoaque, Pueblo of San Felipe, Pueblo of San Ildefonso, Pueblo of Sandia, Pueblo of Santa Ana, Pueblo of Santa Clara, Pueblo of Taos, Pueblo of Tesuque, Pueblo of Zia, Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo, 2 Paiute - Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, San Juan Southern Paiute, 4 Ute- Southern Ute Indian Tribe, Ute Indian Tribe of Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, White Mesa Ute, -The first historic reports of the abandoned structures at Hovenweep were made by W.D. Huntington, the leader of a Mormon expedition into southeast Utah in 1854. The name "Hovenweep" is a Paiute/Ute word meaning "Deserted Valley" which was adopted by pioneer photographer William Henry Jackson in 1874. In 1917-18, J.W. Fewkes of the Smithsonian Institution surveyed the area and recommended the structures be protected. On March 2, 1923, President Warren G. Harding

  13. Yucca House National Monument, Colorado  – -9.6 acres -On July 2, 1919, Henry Van Kleeck deeded 9.6 acres of land, including most of Yucca House, to the federal government. -Woodrow Wilson made Yucca House a National Monument by Presidential Proclamation on December 19, 1919.  -Due to its significance as an excellent example of a valley pueblo, an important community center for the Ancestral Puebloan people from AD 1150-1300. They migrated from this region in the late 1200s.

  14. Canyon De Chelly National Monument, Arizona  -   -approximately 84,000 acres -In 1931 by President Herbert Hoover -Archaic people (2500-200 B.C.), the Basketmakers (200 B.C.- A.D. 750), the Pueblo (750-1300), the Hopi (1300-1600s), and the Navajo (1700-present). Authorized in large measure to preserve the important archeological resources that span more than 4,000 years of human occupation. The monument encompasses approximately 84,000 acres of lands located entirely on the Navajo Nation with roughly 40 families residing within the park boundaries.

  15. Aztec Ruins National Monument, New Mexico – -318 acres -President Warren G. Harding’s proclamation establishing Aztec Ruins National Monument on January 24, 1923.   -The people who built at Aztec were called “Anasazi”.  Archeologists had adopted that word from the Navajo language, which they understood to mean "ancient ones," Aztec Ruins, built and used over a 200-year period, is the largest Ancestral Pueblo community in the Animas River valley. In about 1300 the Ancestral Pueblo people left the region, migrating southeast to join existing communities along the Rio Grande, south to the Zuni area, or west to join the Hopi villages in Arizona.

  16. Chaco Culture National Historic Park, New Mexico –  -34,000 acres  -Established by Theodore Roosevelt through Presidential Proclamation No. 740 (35 Stat. 2119) March 11, 1907 -Chaco Canyon was a major center of Puebloan culture between AD 850 and 1250. The cohesive system that characterized Chacoan society began disintegrating around 1140, perhaps in response to a severe 50-year drought that began in 1130; chronic climatic instability, including a series of severe droughts, again struck the region between 1250 and 1450

  17. Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico -   -89,000 acres -The Valles Caldera Preservation Act of 2000 signed by President Clinton on July 25, 2000 -The Valles Caldera National Preserve was designated as a unit of the national park system on December 19, 2014 -For thousands of years, American Indians have used the caldera for hunting, fishing, and gathering various plants for food, medicine, and ceremonies. The signature resource for these indigenous peoples was obsidian, and tools found across the United States were made from obsidian gathered here.  It includes a volcano that is approximately 175 square miles and its highest point is 11,253 feet. Last eruption was 1500 times larger than the eruption of Mount St. Helens. Geologists say that the formation of this Caldera is due to the tectonic plates that are pulling apart in the region.

  18. Manhattan Project National Park – Los Alamos, New Mexico  -8,900 acres of privately-owned land and 45,100 acres of federally owned land (Forest Service) requested for “the establishment of a demolition range” from the Secretary of War to the Secretary of Agriculture -After two unsuccessful attempts at passing a bill in Congress authorizing the park in 2012 and 2013, the House and Senate ultimately passed the bill in December 2014, with President Obama signing the National Defense Authorization Act shortly thereafter which authorized the Manhattan Project National Historical Park. -Native Americans throughout the United States performed important wartime service. Roughly ten percent of the country’s Native American population served in the military, nearly one third of all able-bodied men. The Manhattan Project prohibited many Native Americans from enjoying their ancestral lands as the military took over hundreds of square miles for scientific laboratories and industrial production facilities at Los Alamos, NM and Hanford, WA.  The San Ildefonso Pueblo was the nearest to the project site. Its community was small and steeped in tradition. Many of its residents were avid potters, a cultural art that had been practiced there for millennia. The arrival of the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos on March 22, 1943, was believed to be a temporary “interference” by outsiders into northern New Mexico. Instead, the “lab on the Hill” has become a permanent reality.

  19. Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico  – -33,677 acres  -Woodrow Wilson by Proclamation No. 1322 of February 11, 1916 (39 Stat. 1764), and was enlarged by, -Herbert Hoover, Proclamation No. 1991 of February 25, 1932 (47 Stat. 2503),  -Dwight D. Eisenhower, Proclamation 3388 January 9, 1961 -Bandelier was home to two groups of Pueblo people who spoke different languages. These groups, the Tewa and the Keres. By 1550 the Ancestral Pueblo people had moved from this area to pueblos along the Rio Grande. After over 400 years the land here could no longer support the people and a severe drought added to what were already becoming difficult times.

  20. El Malpais National Monument, New Mexico -   -114,276 acres -In 1987, President Reagan signed Pub. L. 100–225, creating El Malpais National Monument and designating it as a unit of the National Park Service -Tribes affiliated with the area are:  Acoma, Laguna, Zuni, and Ramah Navajo, the ancestral Puebloans left El Malpais by the mid-1300s -El Malpais means "the badlands" in Spanish volcanic lands landscapes. When New Mexico became a US territory in 1848, Anglo explorers considered El Malpais a hindrance. Anglos did not move into the area in significant numbers until the Great Depression of the 1930s. 

  21. Petroglyph National Monument, New Mexico  – -7,236 acres -President Theodore Roosevelt signed the proclamation establishing Petroglyph National Monument in 1908. The monument is cooperatively managed by the National Park Service and the City of Albuquerque.  -Native Americans and Spanish settlers 400 to 700 years ago.  -Volcanoes. In 1989, at least a year prior to the National Monument's establishment, a Tibetan Buddhist stupa was built and consecrated on what was then private land owned by Harold Cohen and Ariane Emery. The National Park Service subsequently used eminent domain to seize this land and make it part of the Monument, over the owners' objections. The stupa was not removed, but all buildings on the land were razed.

  22. Pecos National Historic Park, New Mexico  –  -6,671.4 acres  -over an area of 341 acres, which included Pecos Pueblo. Later, in 1990, with the acquisition of the Forked Lightning Ranch and Glorieta Battlefield units, it was renamed Pecos National Historical Park. The transition from a “national monument” to a “historical park” involved a change in classification and required an act of Congress. -The Pecos Pueblo and an area of 341 acres were made a New Mexico State Monument in 1935. -President Lyndon Johnson established Pecos National Monument in 1965  and turned it over to the National Park Service. -In 1991, the park was expanded to its present size and became a National Historic Park. -Among piñon, juniper, and ponderosa pine woodlands, Plains tribes, mostly nomadic Apaches, brought slaves, buffalo hides, flint, and shells to trade for pottery, crops, textiles, and turquoise with the river Pueblos. Pecos Indians were middlemen, traders and consumers of the goods and cultures of the very different peo­ple on either side of the mountains. They became economically powerful and practiced in the arts and customs of two worlds. Pecos National Historic Park, New Mexico – Legends of America

  23. Quarai Salinas Pueblo National Monument, New Mexico  –  -65 acres  -The site was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1962. -In 1980, it became part of the Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument. -Over 2,000 years ago, the ancestors of the Pueblo peoples, the Anasazi and Mogollon Indians, settled in the present day area of Mountainair in central New Mexico. Here the traditions of both cultures overlapped to develop the unique Tiwa and Tompiro speaking pueblos of Abó, Gran Quivira, and Quarai. established at Quarai in 1626. -In December of 1625, the Fray Juan Gutiérrez de la Chica was sent to Quarai to initiate a new missionary effort. Upon his arrival, Gutiérrez reportedly met little resistance from the native population and soon began planning for a new church and convent. -The missions at Abó, Quarai, and Gran Quivira proved successful until Spanish officials began dictating how church figures should convert the American Indians.  Although the missionaries wished to influence the American Indians gradually to give up their old religious traditions, they were powerless against government forces. Eventually, this conflict between church and state led the Franciscan friars to destroy the Kachina masks and burn all kivas--sacred places where Pueblo peoples performed rituals and prayed to their gods. Ultimately, attempts to suppress the Pueblo peoples’ ancient religious beliefs failed. -A combination of disease, drought, famine, and Apache raiding led to the abandonment of Quarai in 1678.

  24. Salinas Pueblo Mission National Monument, New Mexico –  -95.9 acres -Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument — October 28, 1988 Salinas National Monument — Dec. 19, 1980

  25. Abo Salinas Pueblo National Monument, New Mexico  – -370 acres -The Abó site was acquired by the state in 1938, which preserved it as a state historic site. In 1981, management of the site was taken over by the National Park Service  -In 1621, Fray Francisco Fonte arrived in New Mexico and soon began establishing his mission in the Pueblo of Abó. Initially, Friar Fonte converted the adobe buildings of the Pueblo peoples into temporary convents where he slowly introduced the Indians to Christian traditions. Once the Pueblo residents trusted him, Fray Fonte began building the first mission church at Abó. By 1627, the Church of San Gregorio was finished, Abó Pueblo and Mission (Abo State Monument) (Albert H. Schroeder, June 13, 1962)

  26. Gran Quivira Salinas Pueblo National Monument, New –  -611 acres  -The site was first proclaimed Gran Quivira National Monument on November 1, 1909. -listed on the National Register of Historic Places on October 15, 1966. -On December 19, 1980, the footprint of the site was enlarged to include two New Mexico State Monuments  -In 1629, Fray Francisco Letrado  was assigned to the pueblo of Las Humanas (also known as Gran Quivira), where he constructed the churches of San Isidro and San Buenaventura.

  27. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado  -52,485 acres   -Established in 1906 by Congress and Theodore Roosevelt as a national park -Designated a World Heritage Site in 1978 -600 – 1300CE, people lived and flourished in communities throughout the area,  -26 Tribes affiliated with the area are:  19 Pueblos of New Mexico: Taos, Picuris, Sandia, Isleta, Ohkay Owingeh, Santa Clara, San Ildefonso, Nambe, Tesuque, Jemez, Cochiti, Pojoaque, Santo Domingo, San Felipe, Santa Ana, Zia, Laguna, Acoma, and Zuni. Hopi Tribe in Arizona • Ysleta del Sur Pueblo in Texas • Navajo Nation in Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. • Ute Mountain Ute Tribe in Colorado • Southern Ute in Colorado • Northern Ute in Utah • Jicarilla Apache Nation in New Mexico

  28. San Antionio Missions National Historical Park, Texas  – -137 acres -Established in 1975 as the Mission Parkway on the National Register of Historic Places encompassing 84 separate historical sites -The National Historical Park was authorized on November 10, 1978. It was established on April 1, 1983,  -The Carl Levin and Howard P. "Buck" McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 added 137 acres to the park. -In July 2015(39th session), the San Antonio Missions were added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. -These outposts were established by Catholic religious orders to spread Christianity among the local natives. -Mission Concepción - established in 1716. -Mission San Jose - established in 1720, designated National Historic Site in 1941.  -Mission San Juan - established in 1716. -Mission Espada - established in 1690. -Coahuiltecans  is the ancestral homeland to the Payaya, a band that belongs to the Tāp Pīlam Coahuiltecan Nation (pronounced kwa-weel-tay-kans). -The Tāp Pīlam Coahuiltecan Nation is a collective of affiliated bands and clans: Payaya, Pacoa, Borrado, Pakawan, Paguame, Papanac, Hierbipiame, Xarame, Pajalat, and Tilijae Nations. -The Tāp Pīlam Coahuiltecan Nation populated lands across what is now called Northern Mexico and South Texas.

  29. Rancho de las Cabras - San Antionio Missions National Historical Park, Texas   -99 acres   -1982: The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department acquired Rancho de las Cabras, -1993: Rancho de las Cabras became part of the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park -1995: The National Park Service acquired a portion of the former ranch lands from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. This tract contains the ruins of Rancho de las Cabras’ compound. -In 1731, a group of colonists from the Canary Islands off the Iberian Peninsula settled San Antonio.  Rancho de las Cabras opened as a mission post around 1731 when the Canary Islanders complained that the livestock was trampling and ruining their land. A report from 1745: 1,150 cattle, 750 sheep, 90 goats, and 30 horses and oxen. Over time those who lived in the outpost fell victim to constant raids by the Lipan Apaches and other raiders because it was far from the protection provided by soldiers from the Presidio San Antonio De Bejar’s.  Remembering Ranchos De Las Cabras: The Forgotten Outpost of Mission Espada – StMU Research Scholars (


  1. Padre Island National Seashore - as an island. Therefore we have not reckoned it with the other 29, we have set it apart.

A characteristic of Elohim is a group of something + 1. (i.e. 6 work days + 1 day of rest, 49 sabbatical years + 1 Jubilee Year, etc.)


Overall the National Park System of the United States now comprises more than 400 areas covering more than 84 million acres in 50 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, Saipan, and the Virgin Islands, in accordance with various acts of Congress.

So even if Woody Guthrie  uses “This Land is Your Land” to speak about the poor in the land, Matthew 5:3 tells us:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”


Psalm 89:13-14 [Names of God Bible]

13 Your arm is mighty.    

Your hand is strong.    

Your right hand is lifted high.

14 Righteousness and justice are the foundations of your throne.    

Mercy and truth stand in front of you.

1 Peter 3:14-16 [Revised Geneva Translation]

14 But if you suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. And “do not fear their terror, nor be troubled.” 15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give an answer - with humility and respect - to everyone who asks you the Reason for the hope that is in you;16 having a good conscience, so that when they falsely accuse you as evildoers, those who slander your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed.

Please consider sharing this blog with others. We are of the opinion the news media will not go this far into the subject. If nothing more, share the Truth of the gospel. Stay strong and persevere through these perilous days ahead.

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Cori Stanley
Cori Stanley
Mar 31

Wow. The patterns just keep jumping out. I see the 400 years of bondage in Egypt, the redistribution on the land of Israel from what God ordained to what man has usurped, and His 2nd Exodus/2nd Coming. Now is the time to get ready. To make sure our lamps have oil. Our Bridegroom is coming and His Bride is to make herself ready. Thank you, Lisa, for your dedication and research.

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